A downloadable project

Every large urbanscape's underside is home to troves of pests. The city of Troika is no exception. The most annoying of them all? Dustards: little crusty, dusty blights that feed on the mucus that they coax out with their dust coats.

Disgusting little vermin...

Dustards were originally created for a campaign I'm currently working and is now also an entry for the Troika! Community Jam: Bestiary 2024.

"Art" and creature created by Hunter Herminath.

Dustards are an independent creation by me and is not affiliated with the Melsonian Arts Council.

Published 10 days ago


Dustard.pdf 1.9 MB
Dustards.txt 979 bytes


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Amazing creature! As someone who seems to generate a woodlouse infestation wherever I go, I thoroughly approve of these critters.



Also, how does one learn these woodlouse powers? Can I learn such a thing?

Haha - I keep a pet snail with my partner; and we use the critters to clean the enclosure! I suspect that is why... 

But if I find any strange entomomantic scrolls or curses about the place I'll be sure to forward them on to you!!